Blackout in winter

In case of an emergency, for example, a blackout, a number of establishments such as shops, pharmacies and banks may be closed. Make sure that you have a supply of food, water, medicine, cash and required things.

In the event of hostilities, the supply of electricity, water, gas, heat, telephone, mobile network, Internet, ATMs and bank terminals, shops and pharmacies may be completely or partially blocked.

How to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze?

In case of an emergency situation in winter – evacuation, long-term absence of heating due to a blackout, forced long stay outside, etc – it’s important to take care of warm clothes.

Tourist clothing from proven manufacturers will protect you from the cold the best. It’s of high quality and designed for different temperature conditions. It’s better not to choose military clothes (camouflaged or green) for the civilian people in wartime. Instead, the military suggests using a special system of clothing for cold weather (Extended Cold Weather Clothing System). It was developed for the American military.

A seven-layer system of clothing for cold weather includes:

The first layer. Underwear that wicks away moisture (shouldn’t make you warm)

The second layer. Warming underwear

The third layer. Fleece jacket (fleece items can’t be worn on the naked body)

The fourth layer. Light windproof jacket (protects against wind and moisture)

The fifth layer. Softshell jacket (protects against wind and moisture)

The sixth layer. Warming jacket with membrane fabric (this is a breathable surface that doesn’t allow wind and moisture to pass through)

The seventh layer. Warmer (for extremely cold weather)

These layers should be combined depending on the weather, conditions and activity.

  1. If in the cold season you’re outside for a long time (for example, standing in line at the border or at a block post) and don’t have the opportunity to move actively, wear all 7 layers.
  2. If you have the opportunity to move, refuse the upper layers, because it’ll be hard and hot for you.
  3. If the temperature outside is from +5 to +10, the first 4 layers will effectively protect against cold. And at night you can add the 5th layer.

How to choose thermal underwear? 

  1.  Give preference to travel brands.
  2. Wear two layers of thermal underwear:
    • The first layer, designed to withdraw moisture, should be made of synthetic material.
    • The second layer – a thin fleece or synthetic material with the addition of wool – should make you warm.
  1. Don’t confuse the first and second layers of thermal underwear. If you wear only fleece, moisture will not escape and you will sweat quickly.

Shoes are also the best to choose among tourist and trekking ones.

Check that it is:

  • not tight

  • leather

  • with a layer of Gore-tech (“breathable” fabric that doesn’t allow moisture to pass through) on top

  •  with warmer such as Thinsulate and PrimaLoft (not fur, because then your foot will be wet)

  • with a VIBRAM sole

You should also remember about a scarf, hat and gloves. The latter should be chosen from water-repellent fabric.

How to warm up when you got cold 

If you’re outside and realize that you’re cold:

  • move more: this will help improve blood circulation and keep you warm
  • if possible, drink hot tea
  • don’t rub snow on pale skin
  • frozen hands can be quickly warmed under the armpits
  • hide from the wind
  • try to find a place where you can keep warm
  • if you’re in the forest, light a fire, remove and dry your clothes (exercise at this time)

Consider that thermoregulation is not established in children, and it may be impaired in the elderly. These categories of people are most susceptible to hypothermia.

If you got cold and entered the building: 

  • don’t immediately step to a hot battery or dive into a hot bath, as recovery should be gradual
  • don’t drink alcohol: it increases metabolism and promotes heat transfer
  • remove wet clothing
  • wear warm woolen clothes
  • cover yourself with a blanket
  • drink warm milk or tea

If the room is cold, you can use a heating pad to warm up. Which one to choose?

If you’re stationary most of the time and have electricity, choose an electrical heating pad.

a cheaper option is an ordinary heating pad for filling with hot water (for several hours)

if it’s not possible to buy heating pad, you can use an ordinary plastic bottle with hot water (but not boiling water) instead

If you have to move, you can buy a chemical heater (disposable, designed to warm hands or feet in critical cases for 5-6 hours). It can’t be applied to a naked body – there must be a layer of clothing.

the most expensive option is a catalytic heating pad (for 5-6 hours, convenient, small size). It is filled with gasoline for lighters.

What to do with frostbite

Most frostbite occurs on the fingers and toes, nose, ears and cheeks. Signs of frostbite:

  • lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness
  • chills, shivering
  • decrease in body temperature
  • finger pain
  • loss of consciousness
  • weak breathing
  • the frostbite part of the body becomes pale, cold and insensitive

    How to help: 

Determine the degree of frostbite.

I degree – pale skin, edema, reduced sensitivity
II degree – blisters filled with transparent or white liquid
III degree – skin necrosis, blisters filled with dark red liquid
IV degree – blisters filled with black liquid

With the I degree of frostbite, you need to warm the relevant parts of the body with warm hands, light massage or breathing. Next, you should apply a clean cloth bandage.

With II – IV degrees of frostbite, massage can’t be done. It’s necessary to apply bandage immediately. The relevant parts of the body should be immobilized and covered with something warm (blanket, woolen fabric, etc.)

If possible, take the person to a warm place. Remove wet clothes, shoes, socks and gloves from him. This should be done carefully, without effort, so as not to harm more.

If possible, call an ambulance.

If the person is conscious, give him warm tea.

Constantly look after the person until the arrival of doctors and (or) his transportation to the hospital.

What can’t be done with frostbite

  • intensively rub the frostbitten part of the body
  • warm frostbitten areas near a fire, or use heating pads or other sources of heat
  • use oils and fats on the affected areas, rub the limbs with alcohol

How to warm up the dwelling

Make sure that your home is efficiently heated in winter and that there is no heat loss in the house or flat. Effective home insulation will also help reduce the numbers in heating bills.

How to warm up your home for winter – see the video for clear steps:

What to do if the electricity goes out

If you’re outside and there is a broken power line near you:

Don’t touch the wires or try to fix them!

If the wire breaks and falls nearby, leave the electrocution zone with small steps or jumps (keeping your feet together) to avoid electrocution.

If you see a broken power line wire – don’t approach it closer than 8 m and notify the dispatcher of the maintenance and operation department or oblenergo (telephone numbers of the dispatchers are indicated on switchboards, power cabinets, transformer substations).

Find the nearest shelter or head home.

If you’re at home and the electricity goes out:

  • Unplug electrical appliances to avoid damage due to power surges.

  • Don’t use gas stoves for heating. There is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • If the house has an elevator, make sure that no one is trapped in it.

  • Follow the official announcements of the authorities or the State Emergency Service. If the mobile network doesn’t work, find a battery-operated radio.

  • If you use a generator, install it outside the premises and away from the windows.

  • In case of a blackout, in advance have at home:

    • a radio and battery powered flashlights
    • stock of matches, candles and dry alcohol
    • charged power bank
    • a week’s supply of drinking water and canned or freeze-dried food
    • a first-aid kit, including personal medicines for at least a week.

How to make the Internet at home not dependent on the availability of electricity

In case of planned or emergency power outages, Ukrainians are looking for ways to make their houses autonomous, independent of whether there is electricity or not. This also applies to the Internet. Here are some ways to stay “online” even after the power has been turned off at home.

Option 1.  Uninterrupted internet from provider 

Find out from your Internet service provider if they have an option to access the network during a power outage.  There are two options:

  1. PON-technology. In the situation of a power outage, the Internet continues to be provided by telecom operators using PON technology (Passive Optical Network). Uninterrupted service is provided by fiber optic cable. In most cases, local providers use fiber optics to bring the Internet from their equipment to the point of Internet distribution among users, i.e., a network switch in the building. They are usually installed in the basement or on the roof of an apartment building. And from there, connections are laid to each apartment. However, for the Internet to work even without power, this network switch needs to be “powered”. The ideal solution is an uninterruptible power supply with a battery.
    Important: the provider doesn’t always do this on its own initiative and with its own funds. Often, residents of a building or a block of flats contact the company with such a request and install uninterruptible power supply equipment at their own expense.
  2. ADSL-technology. Some companies, such as “Ukrtelecom,” have an old ADSL technology that allows you to use communication and the Internet through an analog telephone line. It works through a copper cable to which landline phones are connected. However, ADSL technology, like a telephone line, will only work if the ATS (automatic telephone station) is powered/independent.
    You have checked and found out that your operator has provided for network stability in the event of a power outage? That’s great. But now you need to adapt the equipment in your apartment. Because Wi-Fi will only be available if you have a backup power supply for your home router via a power bank, uninterruptible power supply, or other devices.  Otherwise, the Internet will only work on one device, to which you have directly connected the fiber optic cable.

How to power your router so it works without electricity 

To power your router, first look at the back of your router or network adapter to see what voltage it needs. Most commonly, it’s 9 or 12 volts (less commonly, 5 volts).

Next, you need:

  • A power bank.  Read on the device whether it is enough to power your router. The power is indicated by the Watts or letter W.
  • A USB 5B/DC 9B or USB 5B/DC 12B converter cable. It converts the voltage at the output of your power bank to the voltage required by your router or network adapter. So which cable to buy – 9 or 12 volts – also depends on the voltage your router or network adapter consumes. There are also cables with a switch between 9 and 12 volts. Most routers have the same DC socket – 5.5 millimeters. However, before you buy a cable, pay attention to what kind of connector your device has.

If you have two devices, you need two cables and two power banks, or two cables and one power bank with two USB slots.

Method 2. Satellite Internet: Starlink or similar companies

This is an almost 100% guarantee of Internet access. But there are also disadvantages: high cost and often low speed. You can order equipment on the official Starlink website. Delivery directly to Ukraine takes longer, but the subscription fee for Ukrainians is currently discounted at $75 instead of $110. Equipment – a terminal and a router – costs $600. Delivery costs $50.

There is a way to order equipment to another country, for example, to neighboring Poland, and then send it to Ukraine. It may be faster. However, you will then pay a monthly subscription fee at the rates for Poland – without a discount.

For satellite Internet to work, you also need uninterrupted power supply for the equipment.  And besides that, the right conditions: a wide view of the sky without trees and tall buildings.  The best place is the roof of a building or an open balcony on the high floors of an apartment building.

Apart from Starlink, there are other providers that provide satellite Internet, such as the Ukrainian DataGroup and the Dutch Inmarsat.

The instructions were developed together with the State Service for Special Communications and Data Protection of Ukraine

Offline messengers: when there is no internet and mobile connection

In the absence of mobile communication due to network damage or a long-term power outage, we recommend using national roaming. This service is provided by all Ukrainian operators. Read how to connect here.

In case of simultaneous unavailability of the Internet and mobile network, offline messengers can help you to get in touch with your family or neighbors.

According to the National Resistance Center, such applications pose certain risks to residents of settlements that are temporarily under occupation. Because of this, the presence of such a messenger on the phone can raise additional questions from the occupiers and create danger for a person.

In conditions of war, this option can be useful during direct hostilities or street actions.

The advantage of using offline messengers is that they work

via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and a network of smartphones with the same applications installed. The range of these messengers is approximately 100 meters.

Please note that downloading of these applications in Ukraine is not yet widespread, so government agencies have not yet issued official opinions on the safety of their use and do not guarantee confidentiality.

Therefore, we advise you to use offline messengers only when it is absolutely necessary, when it is the only way for you to get in touch.

If you do decide to install an offline messenger, we remind you that you should download applications only from official websites or stores – AppStore and GooglePlay.

What offline messengers exist? 

Offline messenger for communication


Availability: Free for download

Where to download it? The link for IOS is here, the link for Android is here

How does it work? Via Bluetooth connection and only for communication with users who have also installed this application.

Range: 100 meters around you.

Available modes: 

  • Text messages and image transfer between two people or a group (neighbors, family). The addressee does not need to be in your contact book, but you must enter their phone number to text them.
  • Broadcast mode – sending messages to all friends and strangers who have launched the app and are within 100 meters around you (this feature is a way to share information during large-scale events, protests, etc.)

Data security: all messages sent between two users or in a group are protected. You do not need to have an app account or share your phone number to use the app. However, verifying your phone number can speed up the process of discovering the users you need.

Please note that the “Broadcast” feature does not protect the content of your messages and sends them to everyone who has the Bridjefy app within a 100-meter radius of you. 


Availability: Free, but only for Android

Where to download. The link for Android is here.

How does it work? Via Bluetooth or WiFi connection and only for communication with users who have also installed this application.

Range: 10 meters around you, but if you are further away, the app will “remember” the message and send it to the user when you are within range again.

Available modes: 

  • text chat with one or more people via Bluetooth (in the app, select a person and click “Connect via Bluetooth” or a WiFi access point you created.
  • Thematic forum (test) – synchronized communication with people who have the application installed and to whom you send an invitation to join the forum. However, only after they accept the invitation.
  • Blog: you can create a blog where posts are visible to all users you have added to your contacts. Without access to the network, those who are within 10 meters of you, as well as those whose gadget is connected to the network, no matter how far away they are from you.

Data security: works without phone number verification. Just enter your name (or create a login) and set a password. Other users will use this login to find you.

Walkie Talkie-Applications: Two Way: Walkie Talkie or Walkie Talkie Communication

Availability: free of charge

Where to download? The download link for Two Way: Walkie Talkie for IOS – here, the link for Android – here ,

the link to download Walkie Talkie Communication for IOS – here, the link for Android – here.

How do they work? Just like a traditional walkie-talkie, without the need for a network connection. You can select a channel number or location on the map in the app and talk to someone who is on the same channel.

Range: 60-100 meters around you.

Available modes: one voice communication mode. Just press the “Talk” button on the home screen and start talking. Release it and you will hear what others are saying. Your conversation partner should do the same.

Data security: doesn’t require you to enter a phone number or any data. At the same time, there is no encryption of messages and you will be heard by everyone who is on the same channel as you.

By the way, walkie-talkies are another way to stay connected when there is no mobile network or internet. Read how to use them here

Communication under occupation 

Staying connected in the occupied territories is often not just a matter of safety, but also of survival. We’ll tell you how to make sure you have mobile connection, Internet, and TV.

Mobile network and phones

  1. If the Ukrainian mobile network has not completely disappeared, but your operator’s network is unavailable, try to connect to another Ukrainian mobile operator using national roaming. This service is provided by all Ukrainian operators. Read how to connect here.
  2. If possible, don’t use Russian SIM cards. If you do have to buy a SIM card, try to get it without a passport so that you don’t share your personal data with the occupiers.
  3. Russian special services have access to the networks of Russian operators, so you should use the communications of Russian mobile operators with the utmost care. On the phone, talk only about everyday neutral things and avoid topics that can harm you and your loved ones: don’t discuss the location or movement of the occupational troops, the occupation authorities, etc. It is better to minimize conversations using mobile phones and use open-source messengers with end-to-end data encryption.
  4. Don’t store information that is dangerous to you on your phone. Delete all content from the device’s memory that can harm you if you’re arrested by the occupiers: messages, photos, videos, downloaded files. You can do this manually (don’t forget to empty the trash) or with the help of programs that permanently delete files.

Another option is to reset your phone to factory settings. In this case, absolutely all data and files will be deleted from the device without the possibility of recovery. To do this:

If you have Android: Go to Settings > select General > select Reset > select Factory Reset (menu names may vary slightly depending on your phone model).

If you have iOS: Go to Settings > General > Move or reset iPhone > Erase all content and settings.

But keep in mind that a completely empty phone can also arouse suspicion among the occupiers. 

  1. Carefully evaluate which of your phone’s applications or subscriptions to messengers and social media may arouse suspicion among the occupiers and get rid of them.
  2. Be sure to use the built-in phone locks (password, pattern, fingerprint, etc.) to make it difficult for unauthorized persons to access your phone in case of loss.
  3. Deny access to geolocation.
  4. If possible, find an old, working phone that you can give to the occupiers at their request.


  1. If possible, use VPN services (especially if your Internet provider is connected to the Russian network). VPN services make it possible to avoid tracking, use resources that are prohibited, and visit blocked sites. Currently, the occupiers are blocking a lot of these services, so you need to look for those that are still working. Also, keep in mind that the presence of VPN services on your device may arouse suspicion among the occupiers.
  2. If you have a Ukrainian Internet provider, try to communicate with everyone via Wi-Fi. Make calls in messengers. Read here how to set them up safely.
  3. Use strong passwords for all accounts (read here how to do it), set up two-factor authentication.
  4. Don’t store on computers and laptops and delete from memory all information that could harm you in case of detention by the occupiers: correspondence, photos, videos, downloaded files. After deleting files, do not forget to empty the trash.
  5. Don’t connect to unknown open Wi-Fi networks or other devices that “distribute” the Internet.
  6. If you use social networks, remove all personal information (phone number, date of birth, place of residence, place of work, etc.) from your settings. Don’t publish content on your pages that may cause negative reaction from the occupiers. Where possible, leave access to your page only for those you trust.

Radio and television

Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainian television has been decoded on satellite and is free. The signal can be picked up by a satellite or built-in TV receiver.

Search for Ukrainian channels using the following parameters:

Astra 4A satellite (4.8°E). Frequencies and polarization 11766 H, 12130 V, 12437 V.

Amos 3 satellite (4.0°W). Frequencies and polarization 11140 H, 11175 H.

Important! Some of the tips may not work depending on the conditions and situation in the occupied settlements. Take into account the current situation and take care of your own safety first.


Recommendations of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

Recommendations of the National Resistance Center 

How to avoid fire when using alternative sources of light and heat

In conditions of planned or emergency power cuts of electricity and heating, Ukrainians use other sources of heat and light – generators, gas cylinders, stoves, etc.

Following are tips on how to take care of fire safety and how to use devices of this type during a blackout without endangering health and life.

Basic rules of fire safety

Be sure to purchase a fire extinguisher. If you live in an apartment building, fire extinguishers should be in your entryway, preferably on each floor or at least on the highest floors of the building (if it’s a multi-story building). You can initiate the purchase of fire extinguishers by enlisting the support of other neighbors.

Check if the emergency exits in your building aren’t blocked (for high-rise buildings). Insist that the building management company takes care of their unblocking or organize yourself and do it together with your neighbors.

If possible, install a fire alarm at home. Its place is in areas with the highest fire danger (for example, in the kitchen). These can be sensors that react to smoke, flame or temperature rise.

Pay special attention to children: don’t allow them to use electrical appliances and open flames. Remind children of fire safety rules. To make it interesting for them to learn the rules, buy a lapbook  “Fire safety” developed for the New Ukrainian school (Ranok publishing house) or any other book where these rules are explained in an easy way and accompanied by illustrations.

If you’re at home during a power outage, unplug all electrical appliances. This will help to avoid their damage due to voltage drops, especially for heating equipment and electric stoves.

  • You can also purchase and install a stabilizer that will help protect devices from voltage drops. In case the voltage drops sharply or, on the contrary, increases, the relay will turn off current supply until the moment of stabilization. The price is from 700 hryvnias.

How to safely use gas burners

    1. Buy only certified burners and cylinders from licensed sales outlets.
    2. Always check the integrity of the  gas cylinder. You can check whether the gas is leaking when you are not using it with a soapy solution. To do this, it’s necessary to apply a soapy solution to places where leakage is possible. If soap bubbles appear somewhere, this indicates a gas leak in that area.
    3. Strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
    4. Use the burner in a room with ventilation. Air the room.
    5. Keep cylinders away from sunlight and high temperatures.

In no case install a gas burner or tourist stove with gas cylinders on the surface of electric stoves or other equipment that can heat up.

How to use candles safely 

  1. Keep lighted candles at a safe distance from clothes, curtains, books and other flammable items. Don’t leave them unattended.
  2. Don’t place the candle within the immediate reach of children and pets.
  3. Don’t burn the candle to the end – leave a 2-3 cm long stub. Then you can make a long-burning candle from it, the instructions are in this section.
  4. Don’t use the candle as a night light or while sleeping.
  5. Don’t make home-made devices for lighting or heating, if you’re not sure of their safety. Use improvised devices based on candles only under constant supervision.

How to use generators safely

  1. Buy only certified generators and only from licensed sales outlets.
  2. Strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Use generators and fuels only outdoors at least 6 meters from windows and doors.
  4. Don’t install the generator on the balcony.
  5. Keep the generator dry and protected from rain or flooding: touching a wet generator or devices connected to it can result in electric shock.
  6. Before refueling, the generator must be let to cool down to avoid fuel ignition.
  7. Carbon monoxide detectors will help to recognize it in time and avoid poisoning.

How to use the oven safely 

  1. Before using stove heating on a floor made of combustible materials, nail a 50х70 metal sheet in front of the furnace door.
  2. Take care of the stove: clean the chimneys during the heating period and don’t allow it to overheat. Make sure that there are no cracks in the walls of the furnace and chimneys.
  3. Don’t use inflammable liquids to light the stoves and don’t store them in front of the firebox.
  4. Don’t leave a burning stove unattended and don’t ask children to supervise it.

How to safely store fuel for cars and generators at home

Choose the right container for fuel. 

To store gasoline in the cold season, you need polymer (plastic) canisters that meet the following standards:

  • the container should hold its shape well and not deform when pressed;
  • have the appropriate marking (“PETROL” or “GASOLINE” written on it). It’s best when the abbreviation HDPE is in the labeling – high-density polyethylene that doesn’t accumulate a static charge.

Both polymer and metal canisters are suitable for storing gasoline in the warm season. 

Both types of canisters are suitable for storing diesel both in warm and cold seasons.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: it is officially forbidden in Ukraine to fill fuel in glass canisters or containers made of food-grade plastic.

Pay attention to the expiration date of stocks. 


  • Factory gasoline (ethanol content – up to 5%) – up to one year.
  • Gasoline from a mini-refinery isn’t suitable for long-term storage, but in case of extreme need (for example, a blackout) store it no longer than one month
  • Gasoline with a high ethanol content (over 30%) isn’t suitable for long-term storage.


Depending on the season, summer or frost-resistant (winter) diesel is sold. It’s important to remember this not only for proper storage, but also for use so as not to damage the engine. It’s easier to store diesel than gasoline, but you must observe the temperature conditions specified in the documentation at the gas station. Summer fuel, even in mild frost, can become jelly-like or have sediment. Most likely, such fuel will become unusable.

Frost-resistant diesel can be used in the warm season, but it’s spent much faster.

Don’t store fuel in direct sunlight. Ideal conditions are at a temperature of 15-20 degrees in a dark place.

Gasoline should be replaced more often. It’s best to do this once every three to four weeks. This will protect you from the risks of low-quality gasoline. If it’s guaranteed high-quality gasoline that you store in the correct polymer container, the storage period can be extended to six months.

Don’t experiment with diesel dilution methods (for example, to increase frost resistance). Adding kerosene is too dangerous, the positive effect of this manipulation is doubtful. Adding antifreeze at temperatures of -20 degrees and below is possible only in a space with a positive temperature, only in a canister – not in a tank, and immediately before you plan to use it. But the positive effect of this manipulation is also doubtful.

Never use expired fuel to refuel a car or generator. Such gasoline darkens or turns brown instead of pale yellow. This can cause engine damage. Expired fuel must be handed over to a hazardous waste disposal center or used for technical purposes.

The instructions were developed according to the recommendations of the fuel market expert Artem Kuyun

How to receive a compensation for the purchase of a generator in a high-rise building

Residents of apartment buildings in some cities of Ukraine can return part of the money for the purchased generator. Money for compensation is allocated from local budgets. Currently, residents of KyivLviv and Poltava can do this. Amounts depend on budget possibilities. We explain what is required to receive compensation.


Compensation, which is up to 75% of the cost of the generator can be counted on:

  • association of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings (ACMA)
  • Housing and construction offices (HCO)
  • Managers of apartment buildings

Compensation is possible for generators with a capacity of 5 kW or more for buildings equipped with individual heating points, water pumps or elevators, and for 2 kW for buildings without elevators and ITP (individual heating point). 

To receive money, you need to contact the district state administration with an application for compensation (a sample application is here) and a package of documents, which should include:

  • a certified copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations;

  • a copy of the protocol of the meeting of the co-owners of the apartment building on the election of the manager of the building (in the absence of ACMA or HCO);

  • a certified copy of the invoice for the purchase of independent sources of electrical energy.

The term of compensation in case of a positive response from the district state administration is 2 months. The application can be rejected only in case of improper preparation of documents.


Residents of multi-apartment buildings (from 3 floors) can receive 50% of the price of the purchased generator, but not more than 30 thousand hryvnias. Compensation was provided for generators with a nominal capacity of 3 kW or more. 

In order to become a participant in the program, residents must first pay for the purchase of an electric generator through the bank together with the balance keeper of the building (ACMA, managing company, housing services provider, HCO).

In order to receive money, you need to submit the following package of documents for consideration by the commission through the administrative services center or the electronic application service:

  • an application for partial compensation of the cost of purchasing an electric generator;

  • copies of payment documents (original documents that confirm the fact of receiving the electric generator and making payment for provided goods);

  • copies of documents indicating the technical characteristics and serial number of the electric generator (or other factory marking);

  • a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of the house;

  • a document confirming the legal entity’s authority to manage common property (a copy of the contract or an extract from the protocol).

The commission has 10 days to consider the application and make a decision on it.


Compensation in the amount of 50% of the generator, but not more than 80 thousand hryvnias, can count on:

  • association of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings (ACMA)
  • Housing and construction offices (HCO)
  • Managers of apartment buildings

Compensation is possible for generators with a capacity of at least 2 kW, and in the presence of an elevator, heating point or water pump – from 5kW. 

To receive money, you must provide the city council with:

  • application for compensation (sample application here)

  • copies of payment documents and documents specifying the technical characteristics of electric generators

  • a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations

  • a document confirming the authority of a legal entity to manage joint property (a copy of the contract or an extract from the protocol)

How to withdraw money from a card during a blackout?

When preparing for blackouts, you should take care not only of charging stations, flashlights and power banks, but also of your finances. During blackouts, some bank branches, terminals, and ATMs may not work. Therefore, you should have cash in advance and know where and how to withdraw it during blackouts. 

What to do for payment autonomy?

  1. Open accounts in different banks. Having accounts in different banks increases your self-sufficiency if one of them has technical problems.   
  2. Order several payment cards. Keeping money on different payment cards ensures good readiness in the event of a payment service failure. These can be different types of payment cards (debit or credit card) issued by different bank cards. 
  3. Keep cash on hand. You will need it if the electronic payment system is unavailable. Or in case ATMs and terminals will not work due to a blackout. You need to determine the amount of cash individually, taking into account your needs and expenses. The cash reserve should be calculated for approximately 7 to 14 days. You should keep cash in different denominations.

Where to withdraw cash from the card during a blackout?

There are several ways to withdraw cash during a blackout:

  • at the cash desk of a bank branch;
  • at ATMs or terminals of the bank’s regular branches, which are powered by alternative energy sources;
  • using the “Cash at the Checkout” service when paying for goods in stores.

Banks operating during the blackout

The Ukrainian banking system has already adapted to blackouts, so almost all branches have been connected to the Power Banking system.

Power Banking is a united network of Ukrainian bank branches that operate and provide the necessary services to customers even during blackouts. The Power Banking network already includes more than 2,390 branches equipped with alternative energy sources and backup communication channels. In addition, when there are power outages and mobile communication failures, banking applications offer the possibility of a customer’s digital signature. The customer doesn’t need to receive an SMS confirmation to withdraw funds.

Currently, 14 Ukrainian banks are part of Power Banking: Privatbank, Oschadbank, Ukreximbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Ukrgasbank, Sens Bank, PUMB, Ukrsibbank, OTP Bank, Universal Bank, Pivdennyi, Kredobank, Tascombank, and A-Bank. 

The map of the bank’s branches is updated regularly. You can find a list of branches operating without electricity here.

Banks also inform about their branches operating during blackouts on their websites, social media and online support.

At Power Banking outlets, you can withdraw cash from an ATM or cash desk, transfer funds through a terminal, exchange currency and consult with financial managers.

However, it should be taken into account that even within the Power Banking network, cash withdrawal limits apply. On average, the amount is UAH 10-20 thousand per day, although there are exceptions. For example, in Oschadbank, you can withdraw up to UAH 50 thousand per day.

Do ATMs work without electricity?

You can withdraw cash during a power outage at bank branches connected to generators.

In the event of an absolute blackout and, accordingly, a complete lack of network coverage, you should prepare in advance. The easiest way is to save the information from the NBU or your bank on your phone: for example, take a screenshot or download the page in full.

It is worth noting that the network of ATMs operating without power is changing. Only ATMs in duty branches can guarantee uninterrupted operation, while the rest depend on the availability of power, network and cash inside.

ATM switched off during a transaction: what to do?

During a power outage, the screen of an ATM or terminal may switch off at any time, even during the transaction itself. You may not receive the funds you planned to withdraw, may not receive your bank card back, or may not be able to send money to the recipient, even though you have already deposited a certain amount into the terminal.

The situation is unpleasant, but there is no need to panic. Customers could have faced similar problems even before the war, so banks have long had a solution.

The algorithm is simple: go to a branch of your bank that is open and write a statement that the ATM failed to issue money/card. You may also contact the bank’s hotline if there is a signal. The number is always available directly on ATMs and terminals. The operator will issue a request for a refund.

As for the refund period, according to the NBU’s instructions, it is up to 45 days. However, this is the maximum period that you should not focus on. You can get your money back in just a few hours or days.

By the way, you can report problems with an ATM immediately, the next day or even a week later. There is no time limit, but it is in your interest to do so as soon as possible and forget about the financial trouble.

Bank hotline numbers:

  • PrivatBank – 3700
  • Oschadbank – 0800 210 800
  • Monobank – 0800 205 205
  • Ukreximbank – 0800 50 44 50
  • Ukrgasbank – 358 or 0800 309 000
  • Raiffeisen Bank – 0 44 490 89 95
  • Sens Bank (Alfa-Bank) – 0800 50 20 50
  • Ukrsibbank – 729 or 0800 505 800
  • PUMB – 050 290 7 290 or 093 290 7 290
  • OTP Bank – 044 490 05 0
  • Crédit Agricole – 0800 30 5555
  • Tascombank – 0800 503 580 or 044 393 25 90
  • Kredobank – 0800 500 850 or 032 240 06 00
  • Ukrsotsbank – 0800 300 090
  • Pivdenny – 0800 307 030

How to withdraw money at the checkout of a store or pharmacy?

You can withdraw cash from your bank card at the cash desks of supermarkets, pharmacies and petrol stations where the “Cash at the checkout” service is available. It is important to note that money can only be withdrawn when paying for the purchase with the card. The maximum and minimum amount is determined by each institution independently. In most of them, you can withdraw no more than UAH 6000 at a time. 

Each bank sets the fee for withdrawing money independently. For example, Monobank’s commission for personal money is 0.9%, for credit money – 4% of the withdrawal amount. PrivatBank’s commission for a payment card is 0%, for Universalna – 1% for personal funds, 4% for credit funds.

In order to withdraw funds, you must:

  • choose a product and go to the cash desk with it (to withdraw cash, you must buy something, even for 1 hryvnia);
  • inform the cashier of your intention to withdraw cash and specify the amount of withdrawal;
  • pay with a Mastercard or Visa card;
  • receive cash from the cashier.

The list of shops, pharmacies and petrol stations where you can withdraw money from your card at the checkout

Supermarkets: Silpo, Fora, Fozzy, Novus, ATB, Auchan, Varus, Spar, Megamarket, Roshen, Sviy Market, Torba, Lotok, THRASH!, Tochka, SIM23, Nash Krai, Delvi, WineTime, Spirit&Food, Posad.

Pharmacies: ANC, Apteka 911, Bila Romashka, Blagodiya, Kopiika, Vitamin, Podorozhnyk, Med-Service, Salve, Shara, Pharmacy of the Good Day, Pharmacy of Wholesale Prices, 1 Social Pharmacy.


Other shops: KOLO, Epicentr, PROSTOR, Foxtrot, Dnipro-M, Shik i Blisk, Kopiyochka, Territory of Your Equipment, MasterZoo.

What products to stock up on

Take care of nutritious foods with a long shelf life. If necessary, you can take them with you to the shelter. It’s desirable that these products don’t require a lot of water for cooking.

  • freeze-dried products (cereals, soups, noodles)
  • canned meat, fish, vegetables
  • bread and cookies
  • nuts
  • chocolate
  • dried fruits

Also, think about what foods you and your family consume. Make a three-day supply for home.

Even if there is no electricity, keep food in the refrigerator: it’ll keep cold for several hours after a power outage. Try to open the door as seldom as possible. Eat perishable foods first.

If the temperature outside is low, food can be kept outside.

How not to come across spoiled products in stores during power outages

In conditions of rolling and emergency power outages or possible blackouts, the risk of purchasing spoiled products that were stored in improper conditions – without observing the set cooling temperature – increased.

  • If power outages in your area are scheduled,  when choosing a store, we advise you to check the address of the store in the schedule of power outages on the supplier’s website. For example, for Kyiv – on the Yasno website. The best option is a store whose building is located on the same line with a critical infrastructure object, where shutdowns either don’t occur, or they occur less often than on other lines. In such cases, there is less risk of encountering products whose storage conditions have been violated due to the shutdown of refrigerators and freezers.

  • If there are no stores nearby where the lights are not turned off, find one where the owners have installed a generator.

  • First of all, buy those food products that have been produced recently and have been kept in stores as little as possible.

  • Try to buy food products in establishments with a higher turnover (larger number of customers) and, accordingly, more frequent delivery schedules from manufacturers of perishable food.

  • Pay attention to the load of refrigerators with food products. Overloaded refrigerating equipment, where there is no air circulation, isn’t able to maintain the temperature for a long time after the power is cut.

  • Avoid purchasing products from the list of those that deteriorate first in the absence of electricity.

  • Always pay attention to the packaging date, the expiration date and the storage conditions (compare whether what is recommended on the label matches the conditions in which these products are stored in the shop)

  • Avoid “half price” products whose expiration date is coming to an end. In modern realities, the risk that the product has already spoiled is higher.

    Which products spoil first and what are the alternatives

    1. Chilled meat. If you doubt its quality, give preference to frozen meat. However, provided that it hasn’t had time to thaw and has no signs of spoilage.
    2. Ready food. It’s undesirable to store it without a refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
    3. Boiled sausage products (sausages, wieners, boiled sausage). As an alternative, choose smoked sausage or dry-cured, vacuum-packed.
    4. Weight sour milk cheese. Give preference to cheese in vacuum packaging.
    5. “Milk products”. Instead of bottled milk with a short shelf life, choose milk in “tetra packs”, which can be stored without refrigeration.
    6. Fish and fish products.
    7. Confectionery (cupcakes, cakes, mousses). Instead, choose candies, bars, cookies, which don’t require special storage conditions.

    How to understand that the product has begun to spoil 


    Fresh fish have dense and elastic scales, fins are moist and soft, gills are pink or bright red, without mucus, and eyes are transparent and bulging. The meat of fresh fish is elastic, moist, juicy and has a healthy shine. To check, press on it with a finger: if the meat doesn’t return to its former shape for a long time, the fish is spoiled.

    One of the signs that the fish has begun to spoil is the smell of ammonia.


    Fresh chicken always has a homogeneous color: pale or light pink. There should be no extraneous odors from the product. The skin in poultry can be exclusively white or yellow. If the chicken is sticky, smells bad (chemicals or has a sour smell), is too pale or spots appear on it, it has started to spoil.

    Fresh beef is of a red or dark red shade, with veins and with a neutral smell. When pressed, the surface of the meat will quickly return to its previous shape. Grayness, yellowing and spots are signs that the beef is spoiling.

    Fresh pork  is pale pink in color. Darkening at the edges of a piece of meat or a non-homogenous color may indicate that the meat is weathered.

    How to save food at home during a power outage

Monitor the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. The temperature in the refrigerator should be 4°С or lower. In the freezer – 0°С or below. However, even in the absence of electricity, the fridge will keep cold for several hours after the shutdown. Try to open the door as seldom as possible. Eat perishable foods first.

If the temperature outside is low, food can be kept outside.

Never taste food to check its safety.

Buy perishable food in small portions.

If you have a piece of meat or fish left in your stash, it’s best to cook it (provided you have a gas stove or have alternative cooking methods, such as a backyard grill). And if you’re worried that you won’t have time to eat, share the dish with someone, for example, with your neighbors.

You can safely refreeze or cook frozen foods that still contain ice crystals or are at 4°С or below.

How to complain about spoiled or expired products in the store

If you notice an expired or spoiled product in the store, the administration must write it off or dispose of it. Therefore, first of all, contact the seller or the administrator with such a request. Also ask to check the whole lot of this product.

If you have purchased a spoiled or expired product, you have the right to a refund for it or a replacement for the same product of proper quality. However, always keep the receipt for the goods: without it, it will be difficult for you to defend your right.

In cases where the store administration doesn’t respond to your complaints, refuses to return the money you paid for the product, contact the Department of the State Production and Consumer Service of your city or district.

It can also be done electronically – on the website of the State Production and Consumer Service of Ukraine – here.

How to prepare a stock of water and disinfect water for drinking

In case there is no central water supply, always have a stock of drinking and technical water at home. Calculate the supply according to the number of members of your family. One adult needs per day:

  • 3 liters of drinking water (including liquid consumed with food)

  • 10-12 liters for hygiene and cooking.

Make sure you have a supply of water for you and your family for at least 72 hours. Be sure to mark the containers with tags: “Water disinfected for drinking”, “Water for technical needs”, “Water for household needs”.

If packaged bottled drinking water isn’t available, use drinking water from wells, mine wells, drinking water dispensing points (including mobile ones), if available, and pump stations. Look for their addresses on the website of the local water utility.

If there is no water in the taps for a long time or you didn’t stock it up in advance,  here are tips that can help.

Where to get water for drinking

Important: all these methods of water purification don’t give a 100% guarantee that the water will be safe, but it can still save you from dehydration. 

Boiling method 

For drinking and cooking, boil water from alternative sources: wells, pumping stations, and water dispensing points. This is an effective method of its disinfection. It’s necessary to boil for at least 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. But even when stored in a clean and well-closed container, the shelf life doesn’t exceed one day.

Water filters 

Already now, buy several water filters and purify water from wells and pump stations additionally after boiling.

Touristic tablets for water disinfection

You can disinfect water with tablets containing chlorine, iodine, chlorine dioxide or other disinfectants. Such tablets can be purchased in tourist shops and pharmacies. However, strictly follow the instructions for use.

Disinfection with activated carbon

You need 4-5 pills per liter of water. They should be crushed, wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a container with water for 6-12 hours. Such disinfected water will be usable for no more than three days.

Disinfection with iodine

WARNING! Consult your doctor before using this method! Iodine can be dangerous for pregnant women, people with thyroid problems and those who are allergic to iodine. 

3-4 drops of iodine per liter of water. After that, it should be passed through a filter and wait an hour before drinking. However, the smell and taste of iodine will be felt in the water. You can’t drink such water for a long time.

Distillation of water using the sun 

Distill water using solar distillation. To do this, stretch a transparent pellicle over a vessel with water and place it so that the sun’s rays shine on it. Under the influence of the sun and temperature differences, water condensate will collect on the pellicle, which will be distilled, that is, purified. Next, it’s necessary to make sure that the drops of clean water flow from the pellicle into a separate clean container – a bottle or a mug. You can use a cut disposable straw or a plate bent lengthwise through which purified water will flow.

Filtration of rainwater and water from open bodies of water (emergency method) 

If the situation is critical, it’s possible to boil river or lake water and pass it through a filter, but only if the lake is clean and if the water in the region is not contaminated with radioactive dust. This method can’t be applied to water from reservoirs where the water stagnates or blooms: such water is a breeding ground for insects, bacteria and viruses. Rainwater is also dangerous. But if there are no other sources, then it can also be passed through a filter after boiling. This method can be used only when the situation is critical: there is no chance of finding potable water or water from wells or pumps and disinfecting it, and survival is the priority. In other cases, it’s dangerous to use water from open bodies of water or rainwater. And you can only use it as a technical one. 

We don’t recommend using the method of water purification with silver. It’s not effective enough for disinfection, in addition, silver ions can be toxic to the body and cause irreparable damage to health.

Where to get technical water 

If the situation in your city isn’t critical, local authorities and utility companies organize the delivery of water to areas where there is no central water supply

Your acquaintances from other areas of the city may have water supply. Contact them or in the chats of other areas of the city with strangers and ask for help with water.

As technical water, use water from open bodies of water, preferably from lakes where it doesn’t stagnate. If there is no spring, a river or lake with clean water is best. If technical water isn’t needed for washing hands, but, for example, for flushing the toilet, water from any body of water is suitable.

For washing hands or other technical needs, you can use water from the toilet tank. One tank holds 6 liters of water on average.

Rainwater. In some houses, a drain is installed through the roof into special barrels or faucets, through which you can collect rainwater flowing from the roof.

In winter, you can melt snow from the street to obtain technical water.

Drain water from the boiler if you have one. To do this, first shut off the cold water supply. Open the safety valve located at the bottom of the boiler. Open the faucet in the “hot water” position and fill the container with water.

If your boiler is installed differently, find instructions on how to drain water from your model.

Water for technical use can be additionally disinfected by the method of infusion. For this, you will need a glass or ceramic container that closes. But by no means aluminum. You can put the water overnight, and in the morning carefully strain it through several layers of gauze, leaving the sediment that formed at the bottom immovable. However, such water will still be unsuitable for consumption.

Important information for the media, bloggers and all citizens who photograph or write about war and the army

What is categorically prohibited to be covered by the mass media during wartime:

  • names of bases and subdivisions, as well as their locations
  • the number of soldiers in bases and units
  • the number of weapons and equipment, their condition and place of storage
  • conditional marks of objects

Any information about:

  • operations carried out or planned
  • system of protection and defense of military units
  • available military protection such as: weapons and equipment(except visible or obviously expressed)
  • procedure for engaging forces (military) and facilities (weapons)
  • intelligence gathering
  • movement and deployment of troops (names, numbers, routes)
  • military units and their tactics, methods of action
  • unique operations and their execution methods
  • the effectiveness of the enemy’s electronic warfare
  • postponed or canceled operations
  • missing or crashed aircraft, ship and search and rescue operations
  • plans for the security of our troops (disinformation, camouflage, countermeasures)
  • informational and psychological operations carried out or planned
  • propaganda or justification of russia’s large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

Do not post on social media:

  • consequences of hits by enemy’s missiles or projectiles or moments of their flight in the sky. By doing so you will help the enemy to adjust the fire.
  • time and place of “hits” (neither in publications nor in comments)
  • information about the work of the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces
  • a photo showing numbers, special markings and markings on destroyed or downed enemy equipment.
  • unverified information about victims or dead.